Clinical Laboratory Information Management System

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It is our duty to ensure that your laboratory operations are streamlined as effectively as it should be, so your patients get the most accurate laborastory results timely and securely. 

We help quick transfer from providing routine services to ensuring quality control, initiating in-house analyses, and promoting research.

Our clinical laboratoy management system supports all your laboratory workflows from start to finish. The system enables easy use of barcoding and improved tracking of the samples, tests, and results from mobile devices. It ensures compliance with the local health authorities guidelines, and foster best practices and adherence to international standards. 

Our technical support team are available to guide users through pre-defined steps to ensure compliance of all the staff with the standard operational procedure, in line with our setting-tailored specifications.

With nearly two decades of experience in microbiology, bacterial identification and antibiotic susceptibility testing are key compnents in our service-specific data collection, reporting, and analysis systems.

Reduced Turnaround Times


Data Accuracy


Waste and Costs

Assured Quality  and Compliance 
